
What do you need?

Standard Prices

(Please check the home page for details of any current special offers.)

White Whisker Design Business Card
  • A double-sided business card custom designed for your business
  • A single-sided A4 letterhead design containing your business information
  • A single-sided compliment slip design containing your preferred text
  • An example printout of your business card, letterhead and compliment slip
  • For you to send to your printer: a PDF file of your business card front and back
  • For you to send to your printer: a PDF file of your business letterhead and compliment slip
  • An initial meeting or chat where I can get to know you and your business
  • Details of your existing colour scheme, and font preferences
  • An electronic vector file (.ai, .pdf or .eps) for your existing logo
  • Full payment via BACS after you have approved the final designs

As above plus: 250x Business Cards (450gsm Silk), 100x Letterheads (120gsm) & 100x Compliment Slips (120gsm)


White Whisker Design Flyer
  • An A5 single or double-sided flyer custom designed for your business
  • Include details of your current special offers, services or products
  • Use for display purposes or to hand out to potential customers*

* If you want your customers to physically exchange the flyers for a special offer, you will need to pay VAT when ordering your printed flyers.

  • An example printout of your flyer
  • For you to send to your printer: a PDF file of your flyer front and back
  • An initial meeting or chat where I can get to know you and your business
  • Details of your existing colour scheme, and font preferences
  • An electronic vector file (.ai, .pdf or .eps) for your existing logo
  • Full payment via BACS after you have approved the final designs

As above plus: 250x Flyers (250gsm Silk)


White Whisker Design Website
  • Social media banners in various sizes for Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn
  • Social media account creation, if you don't already have them
  • Purchase of an appropriate and unique website address for your business
  • Your own custom website with 3-5ish pages (not including e-commerce function)
  • Fees for the first year for your website address and storage (hosting) costs
  • A handover sheet detailing your social media account details and passwords
  • Your social media accounts loaded with appropriate banner and profile images
  • A handover sheet detailing your website account details and passwords
  • Your own business website, filled with content, published on the internet and ready to attract customers
  • An initial meeting or chat where I can get to know you and your business
  • Details about what information you want on the website and any photos
  • Details of your existing colour scheme, and font preferences
  • An electronic vector file (.ai, .pdf or .eps) for your existing logo
  • Full payment via BACS after you have approved the final designs

Split into three payments:

  • 25% up front
  • 50% on completion of working prototype
  • 25% after website is live and signed off
White Whisker Design Maintenance Logo
  • Recommended for at least the first six months of your business trading
  • Updates made to your website on your request, to reflect your responsive business needs*
  • Regular updates made to your social media accounts to help keep followers engaged
  • A quarterly flyer refresh for your latest promotion
  • No tie-in or minimum contract

* usually only applicable if your website was created by White Whisker Design

  • Unlimited minor updates posted to your website on request
  • Unlimited updates posted to your social media accounts
  • Monthly checks on your website's Google search result placing
  • Monthly checks on your social media insights
  • Monthly contact from me so that we can keep up to date
  • Quarterly refresh of your flyer design plus 250x A5 flyers*
  • Quarterly report on your website and social media traffic*
  • Annual fees paid for website*

* Quarterly services applicable if you have subscribed for at least 3 contiguous months. Annual fees paid if you have subscribed for at least 12 contiguous months.

  • Details of your existing website and social media accounts including usernames and passwords
  • Monthly payment (in advance) via standing order after you sign up
  • Regular contact so that I can keep your website and social media accounts up to date

25% discount available for 12 months paid in advance

White Whisker Design Adobe Forms Logo
  • Create a standard form with specific fields for data entry
  • Forms are styled using your business logo, colours and font
  • They can be emailed to and from your customers, enabling safer contactless interactions
  • Digital signatures can be added for extra security and peace of mind
  • Customers can view Adobe forms for free using Adobe Reader on a computer or mobile device
  • Transfer of any existing format forms you may have into an Adobe form
  • Layouts designed for ease of use by your customer and to reflect your company branding
  • No need for either yourself or your customer to pay for Microsoft Word
  • Many options for field types including checkboxes, radio buttons, text entry and images
  • Subsequent forms are half-price
  • Price based on up to four A4 pages in the same form*

* More pages are possible, they just take longer and so cost more. Other sizes are available too

  • Details of your existing forms if applicable
  • Details of what fields you would like included for any new forms
  • Regular contact so that I can keep you up to date

50% discount for any additional forms

White Whisker Design Printing Logo
  • Currently, I use an external FSC certified printing service called Instantprint
  • They provide an excellent free sample pack, should you want to see what they can offer
  • I upload all necessary files, check the proofs and then quality check the items when they arrive
  • I will then deliver the items to you
  • I pay the same prices as are on their website
  • If you wish to use your own printer, I will of course provide you with all the files you need
  • When ordering business cards, I request 450gsm paper with a silk finish, but special options are available like metallic foils should you want to spend a little more
  • When ordering letter-heads and compliment slips, I request 120gsm paper, which is in between economy and premium
  • When ordering flyers, I request A5 250gsm paper with a silk finish. These are card-like and very high quality but many other options and shapes are available should you want something specific (might cost extra)