
How we will work together to get you started.

How do the package deals work?


Well, we have a chat. Preferably in person or just over the phone. I need to know what your business is, what your needs and expectations are and whether you already have any ideas you want me to realise. I will then ask you a bunch of questions to get to know you and your company so that I can understand who your customers are and how you intend to present yourself to them. Then you can either go and have a think about it, or let me know there and then if you want to go forward with White Whisker Design. There is no charge for the initial meeting.

Assuming you want to go ahead, you pay 50% of the agreed price up-front (Payments via BACS / bank transfer are preferred) and I'll start to do some research on the visuals, colours and branding used by your competitors. We don't want you to accidentally look like anyone else out there! Then, based on our initial chat, I'll come up with a colour scheme, typography suggestions i.e. fonts, and do up to three rough prototypes for your logo. I'll require your feedback and decision on these before I can continue to develop the logo fully, which we can do by phone or email. I will then move forwards with producing the artwork for the logo and creating your business card design, letterhead and flyer design.


At this point, we'll need to meet again so that you can confirm you are happy with the logo, business card, letterhead and flyer design. Timescale-wise, it'll take about a week to get to this stage. If you are happy and you want me to continue with the website, I'll ask for another 25% of the total price at this point. We'll also have a more thorough discussion of exactly what you want on your website and any specific text or images you want to handover to me. I'll buy a suitable internet address for your website in preparation and will setup social media accounts for you if you don't already have them.

At this point, if you have opted (and paid) to have me look after your printing for you, I can send the necessary files to the printers to get your business cards, letterheads and flyers on the go. If you are taking care of the printing yourself, I will send you the necessary PDF files for you to send to your printer.

I will now setup your social media accounts (if applicable) and upload suitable banners and images, using your logo and colour scheme. It's recommended that you have a regular plan for posting to your social media to keep people interested and to keep the content relevant. It'd be a good idea to have a Coming Soon initial post and maybe post an image of the flyer with your launch details.

Then I will get on with your website design and development. At the prototype stage, the structure of the website will be finished and the basics will be there, though I will still be testing in the background. I will send you a link so that you can see how it is progressing and I will happily field any requests for changes or suggestions. Once we are both happy with the website, I will then take care of the necessary steps to publish it to the internet and get it recognised by Google. Again, timescale-wise, this will be about two weeks after the website go-ahead meeting unless you give me different timing requirements.


I will ask you for the 25% remainder of the payment now. Also at this point (we're nearly there), if you have opted (and signed up) to have me look after your website and social media for you, I'll pass you all the information about your website and social media accounts so that you have it in the bottom of a drawer somewhere, and then will look after it all for you. I'll pester you regularly for any updates that can be posted and any new photos you may have taken. There is more information about the monthly maintenance package on the Services page.

If you have not opted to have me look after your website and social media for you, I'll pass you all the information about your website and social media accounts, including usernames and passwords. If you change the passwords (as you should), please make a note of them! I'd still like to get in touch after a month or so to see how you are getting on, unless you tell me to stop bothering you with my incessant questioning. You can still opt-in to the monthly maintenance later on if you change your mind, as long as you have the current passwords.